
Sunday, December 28, 2008

CHALLENGE - Twelve Dozen in Twelve Months

One of my personal goals in 2009 is to become much more proficient in stitching Crazy Quilt seams. So, to keep me motivated I am starting a challenge for myself. You are invited to stitch along with me.

I will stitch 12-dozen (that's 144) different seams over the next twelve months. (Okay, life got in the way of my deadline...but I'm still going to create the 12-dozen. We'll just have to see how many months it will take me! Actually, I still think it is a very do-able goal to just do the stitching. I did not consider the extra time to doodle the stitches, create the visual line drawing in Illustrator (which I had to learn to use), stitch the example, photograph the finished seam and resize to fit the blog, and write the blog entry and post!!) My intent is to expand on basic stitches that all should master quickly. So, this is going to be at the beginner level.

And, because I love beads...most (if not all) will surely include beads. However, for those of you that don't like beads on your work...I will accomodate and stitch half of the example with beads and half without. My work will be on a sampler cloth, although if I stitch on projects I'll share those as well.

Each week I will post some stitches using a basic stitch as the starting point. I will post a photo of the stitched example (bead and no bead) and the stitch chart. Feel free to use them to expand your stitch library.

These are my designs and my I ask that you honor my request not to use them for any endeavor of profit. Thanks.

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