
Thursday, August 23, 2012

FFT#22 - Cathy's Block Started

The first part of the week, I put some more stitches on Cathy's block for the FFT#22, round robin at CQI. I love her base block...made from men's suit fabrics. So much texture...and keeping the base colors to gray, black, and neutral was a great idea.
The block includes two huge of which has already been stitched beautifully by Diane. So, of course, I chose the second one to work on.
Starting with a couched down cord (five rows actually) and some lace which I have added silk ribbon flowers. Next, a few beads.
 But, let's start on some of the other seams first...
Here is how I mark on dark fabrics. The stem stitch is already finished on the little vine...but you can see my shapes of the leaves to go down next. I use part of an address label, draw my leaf, cut it out...and use it to trace my leaves down on the fabric with my Quilter's Rule Chalk Pencil (love this pencil!)
 Next, using the Fly Stitch...I finish stitching the leaves.
 Okay, these are all, let's move to the next seam. Here are the dots for the basic zigzag...
and then...some five point straight stitch shapes.
Love this chalk can easily see the marks. And after stitching, the chalk marks are almost worn off...
and a quick spot rub with the corner of a damp cloth...and they are all gone!
I'd love to find more of this pencil...but have had it for years...and am no longer living next to that quilt shop (or any quilt shop) I'll have to go searching the internet. If y'all find it...please let me know...thanks!


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