
Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break Time!

It's Spring Break. In the United States, school is out for a week in the spring give the teachers students a break from class work. I'm sure that there are other more "official" reasons...but, regardless of what they are...the kids get a few days off from school work. This week, Aidan has come to visit me...and therefore, not much sewing is getting done. There was a lesson in making hexagons today...and these above are the one's that Aidan completed. The one on the far left is her first attempt...then, you can see that she got better as she went along.
Before the fun...we got out housework completed. I did the dishes, laundry, made the beds and cooked breakfast. She volunteered for the bathroom ( YES!! Woot! Woot!) Here she is, taking all of the hairbrushes and combs out of the she could get to the hair bows and bands to put them back in their "right place"...and not thrown in with the hair brushes. (She's also checking herself out in the mirror)
Now, we are baking cookies. I supervise...and she mixes and cooks. 

These are not the prettiest chocolate chips ever...but, betcha that they will taste good!
And, we have enough to share!



  1. Sounds like the two of you are having a wonderful time! Enjoy your spring break.. Wendy

  2. Making hexies and cookies ... sounds like the *perfect* spring break to me! All our snowfall withstanding. LOL! :)


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