
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Catching Up

Well, the sinus crud is still here...but much better. I'm trying to catch up on some stitching and other things. I have a new set of monogram designs for you...almost ready. Here is a sneak peek...and I'll post more when the first one is stitched up...half way there. 
The design is traced on my linen, and I'm about half done with stitching the A portion.
Sorry for the dark bottom on the above photo...but I just can't get a decent photo with this Ipad4 phone! I want one of those Canon Rebel cameras...but, they are so expensive! I've saving my pennies!
Yesterday, Aidan and I also made more paper ballerinas and hung a little mobile from the ceiling in the sewing room...
...for Brady to enjoy!


  1. So sorry that you still have the crud - hopefully it goes away sooner rather than later.

  2. My daughter would love those paper ballerinas.


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