
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

They're Here! They're Here!

Isn't she pretty?!!
And my muse is dancing with all the project ideas!
But, the serger has a disk of techniques that needs to be viewed first, because frankly...I'm scared of it! So, it will take a calm spirit and a clear head before I attempt to even turn it on.
Hopefully, this time next month...I'll be serging like a pro...or at least can say that I have successfully NOT sewn through my finger. Ha!
Huge thanks to all my friends and family for helping me out. My spirits are renewed and positive energy is all around me today!
Sending out hugs to the entire universe right now!


  1. That's the serger I just got. It's very loud compared to my old one but it does the job just fine. Darn, don't get your fingers any where near the needles because the cutter will do a job on you! I really don't think you can sew or cut yourself. That's why the front is made like that. Have fun..don't be afraid of it. Like the machine too..thought you said it was a singer...guess I read that wrong! It's a beauty!

  2. Congratulations!! These are well-deserved and I know you'll put them to good use. Enjoy!

  3. so good to see you have 2 new machines, hope you use the overlocker more than I use mine, maybe you will be giving us ideas of what to do rather than just overlocking with it

  4. So happy to see your new toys. Would have been like Christmas opening the boxes. Lucky girl.

  5. Woohoo. Now you can sew to your heart's content. I've never had a serger and since all I sew any more is quilts and crazy quilts I doubt I'll ever get one. Happy sewing :)

  6. There are some good You Tube videos on serging.
    I hope you enjoy your machines!


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