
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Catching Up...

Good day to all...thought I'd do a little catching up. Last Sunday we had our family gathering for Thanksgiving, and it was a full house! No time for running upstairs for a camera...but I did get a photo earlier in the morning of Aidan making her fruit salad. This is the first year that she got her name on the "list" of cooks and what they were bringing. Pretty good for a ten-year old. She washed, cleaned, and cut up all of the fruit. We put it into a pretty clear glass bowl...but she mixed in my ceramic white pot so everything could be stirred up without it going all over the counter....which as you can see from the photo is really tiny.
My friend Judy from Meridian sent me some lovely redwork embroidery blocks...and I've been having a lovely couple of days turning them into quilt blocks. I'm still thinking what the sashing and border will that will be for a later post.
And, an update on my precious little ward during the day...he is sitting up on his own now! But, I still pile pillows behind him just in case he were to topple over. He loves standing and sitting...but just does not want to crawl.
 He seriously detests being on his belly for more than three seconds...I think he might just decide to pull up and walk instead of every crawl! Boy, when that day comes...I've be one tired great-aunt then! Ha!



  1. So lovely to catch up on your family news. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I am sure you had a great time with an overfull house! Good to see Aidan making the fruit salad, hope she comes to enjoy life in the kitchen, a great help for you when you are busy on a project Love the redwork, another thing on my want to do list, have a couple of books on it so half way there

  3. Hi girl, he is growing up so fast pretty soon he will be wanting to help Aidan. Good to see what yo are up to. xoxo


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