
Friday, September 25, 2015

Calling all Spring Inspiration!

Autumn's breezes are outside of my window at it's hard to think about Spring just yet. BUT, in the publishing business...deadlines are much earlier than in real time. Ha, if not...we would get Christmas magazines in March! So...we need to always be planning ahead...and are doing that with the Spring issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine!

Pam Kellogg is busy wrapping up the Winter issue and will be starting on the SPRING issue very soon. So, if you have some "springtime" inspirational photos, projects, or even tutorials...give her a quick email with photo. You can contact Pam through her KittyandMeDesignsBlog.
Space is at times not all submissions may be accepted for this issue. Or, they may be expanded upon for a larger article as well. So, go through your photo files and share your inspirational Spring photos, fun tutorials, etc.! Pam would love to hear your ideas for the Spring issue as well!

1 comment:

  1. I love that mama robin image Kathy - how I wish that was what we were seeing right now, instead of the prospect of the dreaded winter!


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