
Friday, November 20, 2015

Kindle Lauch TODAY

 Today, no more pre-orders on Kindle!
My latest book finally launched!
The wait is over for all you Kindle Fire or Ipad users!
I even ordered it myself...wanted to see how it "printed" on the device and here is how a page looks on my Kindle Fire HD, Loving it!
Plus, if you have Kindle Unlimited can read it for free!
Or with a Prime can borrow it for free!
The print books HAVE been printed, got a notice just yesterday...and they are "preparing them" for shipment. I know some of you can't wait...(I know I can't)...but the
E-book is a good way to have the book with you where-every you go.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hope to see some entries...from class participants...HINT, HINT!

Put your thinking caps on...and join in the fun!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Doing the Happy Dance!!!

This week the final print proof of my new book was approved...and I ordered the print copies for my Etsy shop. So, those of you that have taken advantage of the Pre-Order 30% savings...will get your books mailed out as soon as these books arrive at my door (at least by 1 December). 
BUT...If you go to today...and search for Kathy will see my new book because Crazy Quilting Volume I: Beyond the Basics is available EARLY on Amazon! I'm so happy about that, just in time for spread the news. Of course it is full price, not discounted as my Etsy Site is right now.
For international folks...or anyone that prefers to read electronic is also available as an Amazon Kindle book! The official release for this electronic version is tomorrow...but you can get it today, and it will be delivered tomorrow. If you go to and search for "Kathy Shaw" or the book is what you will see! (The site has 1 Dec as the release date..but that will change as I just approved the release date of tomorrow)

PLUS, If you have Kindle can read it for free!

Doing the happy dance!

Friday, November 13, 2015

CQJP 2016 has launched!

You can read all about next years challenge at the CQJP2016 Blog.
Also, check out all of the prior years...and the FINISHED projects at the main CQJP Blog.

ICQC-104 November is now OPEN for Registration

Welcome to ICQC-104, Mixed Motifs with Fabric

Registration is NOW OPEN...and will close at midnight CST on Sunday, 15 November 

You must have completed ICQC-101 Prior to registering
It is advised that you have also completed ICQC-103 because this Course builds on that one; but I'm not going to make that a mandatory class since the year and this course offering is winding down

This course is expected to last 8-12 weeks

To Register: email me your Name, State/Country, Email address...just as for previous
The ICQC-104 includes these modules/tasks:

104A-Embellishing OVER Silkie Images
Task 1: Stitching Hair
Task 2: Stitching Flowers

104B-Framing Silkie Images
Task 1: Create a CQ Block with Framed Silkie

Task 1: Create a Broderie Perse Applique
Task 2: Create a Hand Applique Heart (or other shape)
Task 3: Design an Applique based on an Embroidery Pattern

104D-Raised Applique
Task 1: Create a Raised Applique (Bunny, Cat, or Teddy Bear)

104E-Working with Various Slips
Task 1: Create an Embroidery Slip
Task 2: Create a Silkie Slip
Task 3: Create a Beaded Slip

  There is no special supply list needed for this class. Standard sewing and embroidery supplies (as needed in prior classes) will be used. The need for some medium or heavy weight interfacing scraps and some thin felt/flannel scraps could require some shopping. 
The photos above are some of the techniques taught. The fox, bunny, and heart patterns are also in this course, along with other patterns as well.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2016 launches on Friday!

Crazy Quilt Journal Project (CQJP) 2016 Challenge
Registration is OPEN from 13 November to 20 December 2015

(I'll accept late entries as long as I have the time during the holidays to update the blog. But, no promises...and absolutely no more entries after the end of the month of December.)
Please go to CQJP2016 Blog and Read Each of these TAB PAGES:

-- CQJP Rules

-- Use of Photos

-- Questions & Answers

-- How to Register

Follow the steps at the How to Register page tab to complete your registration and begin your challenge for 2016!

Check out the Blog  Badges on the right side bar.  These are photos that can be saved to your computer, and then uploaded to the sidebar of your own blog. Please link back to when you use these.

The Questions & Answers page provides information for commonly asked questions; but if you have another one...please email it to

Looking forward to all the creative blocks this year. If they are anything like the ones we have seen in past years...they will be inspirational!

Kathy Shaw
Founder of the
Crazy Quilt Journal Project

Marci Hainkel
CQJP Operations

Sunday, November 8, 2015

OPEN REGISTRATION for ICQC-103, Embellishing with Threads until Tuesday night...

 REGISTRATION will remain open until midnight on Tuesday, November 10th
ICQC-103 Embellishing with Threads
This class covers Surface Embroidery Motifs
to include beaded and silk ribbon monograms.
Additional seam treatments are also part of the course.
The class is FREE, you will not be charged anything for the instructions.
Registration for the ICQC-103 requires the completion of the BCQC class first. This is a prerequisite.

  If you are interested in taking this course, please email me at and provide me this information:
Your first name
Your last name
You country of residence
Your state of residence IF you live in the USA
The email address you wish me to send class instructional handouts to.
After you register, I will send you a Welcome Email and Google/Blogger will send you (at my request) an Invitation to join the Class Blog where the class will be held. Watch for BOTH of these emails, check your spam folder. If you do not receive by Friday afternoon , email me to let me know.
Supplies needed for this course include various colors of embroidery floss and/or perle cotton thread. A pattern will be provided for the creation of a series of pieced blocks; or you can use plain fabric and work the items as technique samples only. 
You are encouraged to have completed the ICQC-101 class before this one...but it is no longer a "requirement".
Hugs to all,

Saturday, November 7, 2015

I'm So Excited - Taking PRE-ORDERS now for my next book......

My goal was to get the Volume I - Beyond Basics editition out before Christmas...and with the help of my copy editor "extraordinare" Mary Anne Richardson...we are going to make it maybe before Thanksgiving even!
Just got the first proof back from the printer...and it is gorgeous!
Still tweeking the copy for spelling, etc. but will have that done very soon.
140 pages of photos, diagrams, patterns, just crazy fun! 
Amazon will carry this their publisher price of $29.40
If you pre-order now from my Etsy Shoppe
you can reserve a copy
for $20.60
plus S/H of course.
The price on Etsy will go back to the original MSRP cost on 1 December. Edited to add: Pre sales are Amazon now is carrying the book. You can still get regular editions at my Etsy shop.
These will ship to you as soon as I get them from the printer which should be before the first week in you will have for Christmas for sure!


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

OPEN Registration for BCQC-November

OPEN Registration for Basic Crazy Quilt Course (BCQC)

November 2015

 REGISTRATION will remain open until midnight on November 7th (CST)
The class is self-paced, and expected to take 4-8 weeks, depending on the time you have available to complete the 12 assigned Tasks.
This is the last class for 2015 registration; Next year this course will be offered again...about once every 3 months. 
These 12-Tasks include:
1 - How to Use the Class Blog
2 - Selecting Supplies
3- Design Principles of CQ
4 - Sewing the Block
5 - Surface Beading Techniques
6 - Template Seams
7 - Shape Seams
8 - 11 Various Silk Ribbon Flowers
12 - Finishing (lace, charms, etc.)
The class is FREE, you will not be charged anything for the instructions.
Link to the Basic Supply List 
You WILL be required to get your own supplies to complete the about 8 x 10 size block.
Basic CQ supplies include silk ribbon, pearl cotton threads, tiny beads, etc. as the photo above indicates. None of these are in large quantity for a single block.
You will be required to use a quilting hoop (Q-snap is fine).
You WILL be required to access the private class blog (upon an invitation sent to you) and post photos of your work as you progress through the class.

  If you are interested in taking this course, please email me at and provide me this information:
Your first name
Your last name
You country of residence
Your state of residence IF you live in the USA
The email address you wish me to send class instructional handouts to.
After you register, I will send you a Welcome Email and Google/Blogger will send you (at my request) an Invitation to join the Class Blog where the class will be held. Watch for BOTH of these emails, check your spam folder. If you do not receive by Thursday morning, email me to let me know.
This is an ON-LINE internet class. 
You will need to follow some simple instructions to register and gain access to the private class blog. Your name and email will need to be entered; but NO social security or credit card information is required. Just basic information to "recognize" you as a class participant.
You will need to be able to take a photo of your work, and upload it to the class blog. You will get instructions on "blogging" so don't worry if you don't currently do that now; you will learn.
But, you DO NEED to have an operating camera and be able to take photos.
You do need a basic understanding of how to save these photos and then retrieve those picture files
NOTE: You will be given class handouts/instruction in the form of emails and pdf documents.
 The pdf files can be opened with Adobe Reader (free software on the site)

 You need to be able to open these handouts/instructions and save them.
You can also print as you desire. In total, the course contains over 200 pages of paper/printer will be required if you want to retain a hard copy of this information.
Hugs, and I hope to see you in the class! 
Note: For those of you looking for the Open Registration for ICQC-103; I've moved that to 8-10 November to allow more of the ICQC-101 students a change to get into the class then.