
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Books have Arrived!

Just look what the UPS man just delivered! The Volume II books are here! Woot! Woot!
Thanks again to everyone who ordered a book during the Pre-Order Sale; and I'll be mailing these out on watch your mail boxes the end of the week!
I ordered a handful of extra books...both Volume II and Volume I books. They are listed at the Etsy Shop, and when they are gone...they are gone.
Amazon will have the Vol II book active at by mid-week...and the International sites soon after! Not sure about the launch of the Kindle edition...but it will happen this summer for sure.
Now, to the work of printing labels, autographing books, and packaging everything to get to the post office on Tuesday!


  1. Congratulations Dear. Why didn't I pre-order this? Always late to the party. Embracing Creative Bliss...

  2. Oh my gosh!!! What a wonderful early surprise! This is so exciting! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to get my copy! You are such a Wonderwoman! I am so thankful for all your hard work and dedication to passing on your knowledge and talents. Thank you, Dawn

  3. Congrats Kathy, All that hard work done, so nice to see the result.


  4. You had to be SO excited when that box arrived!! I know I was with all three of mine. Congrats girl!!

  5. Congratulations Kathy! I am looking forward to this book... I have mine on order with Amazon here in the UK! Can't wait! Christine x

  6. Congratulations to you! I'll be watching for the mail lady to bring my copy.

  7. Yay!!! I will impatiently awaiting the arrival, thanks, Kathy, you rock!

  8. My book arrived today! It is beautiful!!!

  9. My book is here. Just flipping through the pages. I am Impressed. I know I am going to have fun with it. Can't wait to try some ideas. So, so happy I preordered.

  10. Got mine and it's amazing! Love the sections on the ribbon ladies and the shibori silk ribbon especially as these are techniques I've been wanting to try!


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