
Monday, November 14, 2016

A Gentle Helping Hand is Needed...

Good day all! Hope you are having a wonderful (and productive) day!
If you get a moment, please check out Pam Kellogg's latest blog post... and lend a hand if you are able to help out...and would like to do so.

I remember when so many of you reached out to me when I needed your help after my sewing machine just shut down (memory board went out)...and it meant so very much to me. Pam is facing much harder challenges than that...and I hope you will be in a place to donate even a small amount. Small amounts add up fast when we all just reach out a little bit to help each other! Thank you!

Here at home, the days are certainly getting cooler! This apartment is beginning to have a good chill during the I know that soon I'll be putting the quilts back up again. You may not know, but we get a cold north-wind howling under the front door and the north-facing windows. To help with this, I hang cheap purchased quilts on these windows as curtains...have added grommets to them. Their thickness stops most of the wind and I get to enjoy the quilts at the same time. Also, makes me feel like I'm snuggled into a warm den for the winter...but I do miss the sunshine until Spring comes again.

I'm still working on CQ Purses...have four stitched; just need to get the clasps attached...perhaps tomorrow. We shall see!

Sending out HUGS to everyone!



  1. Thank you Kathy for sharing this. Friends help friends. Blessings, Prayers and Healing Energy...

  2. I did's not much but I'm sure every little bit will help! Prayers are being sent their way....


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