
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Peacock Blue w/Black Velvet Ribbon Pincushions

These pincushions are similiar to the last post version, the fabric is "flipped" with the blue solid on the top and the printed at the tip. The roses are black rather than light blue. Instead of ribbon loops, the top is covered with a black lace motif and a velvet bow sits on top, with 3 crystals covering the sewing threads.
Sorry the photos are so bad...the black is hard to get when it is so late in the day and the sun is going down. These are more "elegant" with the lace and simple velvet bow; while the light blue version is more romantic in style.
As before, these are filled with emery to keep your pins and needles nice and sharp. There are four of these available at the Etsy Shop.

1 comment:

  1. Either way, they look wonderful. I love a small emery-type of pincushion for sharpening up those needles.


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