
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Ups and Downs...

...we all have them.

Life happens...and we usually just try to "roll with the punches" so to speak. My life is no different than anyone elses in that respect...some highs and some lows. Hoping the highs out number the lows, if you know what I mean.

It's been a pretty good month...but with several doctor's appointments. Got most of that behind me now, still dealing with incisions that don't want to heal up right away...but no that's good.

And, a really great "high" point this last I "approved" the cover artwork for my new book...coming out soon I hope. Soon being a relative term, as it will still take weeks to finalize and then get printed...but hopefully, not counting in months any longer.

I'm especially happy that this book is the reason for the recent creation of the template they go hand in hand. It's been a long time coming...being able to offer a book of seams WITH a permanent template set so folks don't have to make their own. That's a great accomplishment...and I have to give Janet of Creative Impressions huge thanks for her help in this!

So....all in all...a pretty good month. Hoping your month was also pretty good!

Hugs, to all!

BTW, current books and templates are still available in my Etsy shop. ;)


  1. Hope you're soon feeling better Kathy - nothing is worse than dealing with 'ouches' in the summer heat. Take care of you! Looking forward to your new book!!!

  2. Kathy,

    I'm thrilled for you with your new book coming out. I haven't been in touch or signing up for classes of late. Now that I have two grandchildren with a third due at the end of the month I have found myself spread pretty thin. I continue to work on my crazy quilts and will send you pictures of the WIPs if you're curious. My current projects are both projects that I started in your classes. I finished the stocking, but can't really get you a picture of that until December. I own a couple of your books and am curious as to the topic of the next one. Also, what are your templates made out of? All the best, Sarah sarahsgiftnship(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. I'm looking forward to the book. Glad things are going more smoothly now.
    xx, Carol

  4. Hi Kathy,

    Sorry your have a rough patch with your health...take it easy and get well soon.

    I'm enjoying your templates and look forward to your new book. Hugs

  5. Good news Kathy. Will your book be available in the UK? Tx

  6. Oh, Kathy, I'm so pleased the new book is progressing, and your health, too, at least isn't painful. The templates sound great! I'll be looking for more news on everything.

  7. Hi Kathy,
    Ups and downs this side of the ‘pond’ too, and I see you’ve already got programme number 2 up for registration again. I’m so far behind with the last one I wondered if this would cause problems for you, or should I just start again with this latest one.... I know, I’m dithering here, which is unusual for me!
    Cheers for now
    Carole (Auden, in the UK). 🤓


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