
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Winner, Winner!

We have a winner for Christen Brown's newest book: Beaded Embroidery Stitching

There were 33 comments...but, some were anonymous without any way to make contact...and some were repeats because the person might not have realized that their first comment did "take" just needed me to moderate.

So, after scrubbing the listing...we had 28 valid comments. Using the Random Generator...the winner was #18.
and, drumroll please...Lucky #18 was:

So, Magpie's Mumblings...just email be at to let me know you are ready for your free pdf book download! Congrats!


  1. Woo hoo!!!! Thank you so much Kathy (and the True Random Number Generator!). I'm sure I'm going to have fun with this and get lots of inspiration! Yay! Can't wait....


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