
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Felt Thimble Holders

Sweet little embroidery holders made from felt to hold special thimbles, or just keep your well used one from getting lost! Attach a little ring or clip and you can secure these to a Chatalaine, sewing bag, etc.

 I shared  photo of these last week on Instagram, but have been creating a variety of these for a couple of years now as gifts and items for the Etsy shop (when I have time).

These little plastic containers are great for creating several Thimble Holders because they are of uniform size, so no "math" every time...just repeat the original dimensions over and over again. 

But, special containers are not needed...just walk around the house looking for tall lids. Here are a couple of bottles of mouth wash, a slender can of hair spray, and a spray adhesive. Each lid would work to create the container for the thimble. All that is needed is to cover each in felt and attach a lid!

How you adorn the outside is really a personal choice. 

Hint: If you have the new Stunning Stitches for Crazy Quilts book....there are loads of seams in there that will work beautifully around the outside of a thimble holder! If you don't it yet, check it out at C&T Publications or on

Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

  1. awwwwww - one of these would be perfect to put my much-treasured (but never used by moi) thimble that belonged to my grandmother.


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