
Sunday, February 8, 2015

F Monogram Complete

  Got the monogram completed...and like it. Don't "love it" I'm going to re-design and remove a lot of the larger is too distracting. Of course, that background is also distracting...but it doesn't bother me much. But, still a good result for a first design attempt...and it's a good working model too.
It's been a nice couple of days...stitching some! Aidan is here this weekend...and we are also cooking good things and being lazy in front of the television. Today, we will be experimenting with dying some lace sure to have "colored fingers" too!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


  1. yes the background distracts from your beautiful stitches but it is lovely as it is...have fun with Aiden- my 3 little granddaughters are coming for supper so cooking away is nice to have grandchildren cause they can go home to parents when I am tired!!

  2. That's a beautiful F monogram! I love your silk ribbon roses and leaves. I'm curious, what size is the monogram? I can't tell from the photo. Thanks, Dawn

  3. It's so pretty and rich looking. I like the F as it is - flamboyant. I wouldn't change it at all.

  4. I find your SRE quite beautiful! Nice work.

  5. SRE is beautiful lady bug, I do agree about the big swirl though and the busy background. Takes away from your beautiful stitching. Still pretty though, know what you mean sometimes you just don't love something you have worked on. Hugs and you will fix it and you will love love it. I know you. oxoxoxox


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