
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sharing a Silk Ribbon Design...and a Boo-Boo Story

Ever have one of those days? You know, when things just start off badly. Well, today is shaping up that way. Woke up at 4 a.m.....why? don't know...tryed to go back to sleep...tossed...turned...finally two hours later just "threw in the towel" and got up. So, I'm tired and cranky! Last night I worked on the above Silk Ribbon Embroidery design and thought I might get to stitch on it soon. 
So, this morning, I pressed a piece of cotton to my freezer paper...cut it the size my printer likes...and printed the embroidery design to the fabric. I set the opacity so that it doesn't print "DARK"...but this was too light. See the little dash marks? But no flowers! They have faded into the back.
Drat, and I already used the fabric piece that I really wanted to stitch on! But, I do have a "backup" piece. But first, lets just darken the image a tidbit...and reprint on the same fabric. Printed beautifully.

All except the fact that IT IS UP SIDE DOWN! So my first F has it's tail pointing to the sky...and the second has it's head pointing in that direction!
So, into the trash can it goes! Geez!
Third it printed on the 2nd fabric selection.
Now I know you are saying...who can see that? 
But, up it will be in my hoop...I can see it just fine.
Hope this day improves!
You are welcome to save the photo above and stitch this yourself if you like.
The letter "F" is my father's thought I'd do this project in memory of him.
And, before you ask...nope, don't have any other letters designed...yet. 


  1. I think everyone has that type of day. It is so frustrating and aggravating when it happens. I usually stop doing crafts and pick up a book until the next day :)

  2. Your F is going to be beautiful!!! I can't wait to see it when you're finished. Dawn

  3. Sounds like you had a 'should have stood in bed day'. To explain that saying - my mother used it when she was having a bad day because she said she would have accomplished more if she had stood in bed. Must be something in the air because I had the same sort of day yesterday.

  4. It's a beautiful design. If my friend, Fran, were still alive, I'd have to make it for her. =) Thanks for sharing it. I look forward to seeing it stitched up. I always print stuff on paper first. I waste paper, but it's cheaper than fabric. Of course, it might have printed the flowers fine on paper, too.

  5. Hope your days are better now. Some days no matter what it just seems to go wrong doesn't it? I know it will be beautiful what all done. Ready to see it .


  6. Kathy, I've looked at your "F" on the yellow fabric and then looked at your design, and gone back and forth several times. . it looks ok to me....looks just like an F.


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