Monday, April 1, 2024

Girl Scouts

 Recently, I too inventory of all the projects that are "in progress". Believe you me...there were way too many of them! That's the price you pay when your attention is easily drawn to new things and your brain if always full of new ideas.

At present, I'm busy working on two non-sewing projects for my local Quilt Guild. This Saturday, we have a group of 29 Girl Scouts (different troups, different age groups) coming to learn about Hand Sewing, Embroidery, and Machine Sewing. They are working on badges.

My part is the Embroidery. So, I have designed three different little the ages range from 6 to 18 in the group.

There will be instruction sheets with diagrams (like the one above for Straight Stitches) so hopefully, each can finish up their project; but if not, can at least have the instructions so they can finish at home.

All of the embroidery designs are printed directly to fabric (muslin). So, no tracing needed. I often print my embroidery designs directly to fabric; do you do that? Here is what you need to do:

1. Works only with INK JET printers, not laser type.

2. Cut a piece of freezer paper measuring 9 x 11.5 inches

3. Cut a piece of cotton fabric (muslin) measuring 9 x 11.5 inches

4. Iron the paper to the fabric...the wax side of the paper is against the fabric.

5. Trim this paper/fabric sandwich to exactly 8.5 x 11.0 inches.

6. Place into your paper tray...and print.

NOTE: My printer feeds the paper from the tray FACE DOWN, so I put my paper/fabric sandwich into the tray with the fabric facing down. Test your printer to see how it feeds before you waste a fabric sheet.

Print ONE SHEET AT A TIME; you can not stack these to print multiples unless you enjoy paper jams. 

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