Wednesday, January 12, 2011

BJP 2011 Beading Started...

Wow, I am in love with this project! It is letting me use some beads that I have been "saving" for something special...and that feels great! I started with two Swarvoski teardrop beads...and used a surface peyote stitch to surround them.

Here is the side angle, the peyote make a little wall around and over the stone. If you want to get some really good instruction on this go to Beads East. They have great tutorials on various surface beading techniques.
Then, I added two round Swarvoski rivolis. These were a challenge because they were not beads (no hole)...and they were not flat on the back. Instead, the back came to a point! Yikes. I had to really hold them still while surrounding them with beads...yeah, more peyote stitch!
 I'm having such fun, I almost forgot to stop and take photos!

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