Sunday, January 8, 2012

RR #1 - Judy

Woot! Woot! I made it...all of my round robin blocks are finished! Here is Judy' was a very interesting block to work on. From the beginning I wanted to turn that dramatic center into some sort of visual...and not cover it up. Working in orange and pink was VERY new to me...and I saved that challenge until last on purpose. Not because I was dreading it...oh no..but because I was intrigued by it! 
Here is Judy's finished block...
The center of the flower is done in Petite Velvet Threads...and French knots look like little miniature snowballs. Of course, don't eat any green or yellow ones! Ha!
And, here are a few fireants checking out the flower...I'd love to take credit for these...they they are the brainchild of Allie Aller, and on her blog header. I use them with her permission...and although I have changed them somewhat to fit the beads I have on hand...I still think of them as "her's".


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