Sunday, January 1, 2012

Things to Do

I don't do New Years resolutions...they have just been a recipe for failure in years past. 
But, I do sometimes have to create "to-do lists" to keep me on track. Okay, nothing really keeps me on track...I just keep plowing ahead...
and my muze wakes me in the middle of the night at times...when I have forgotten a timeline or promise. So far, she is pretty good at poking me until I wake up and remember what has to be done! But, as I get older...she seems to be getting a little less proficient at remembering to remind me before Panic Time sets it. I'm really concerned that she might become forgetful...hence more To-Do Lists are needed. 
Wish us both luck in the coming year!
I posted my current To-Do List on the side bar...and will update as time permits. If I have promised you something...and my muze has forgotten it...please remind I can add it to the list.

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