First to remember...the thread has to be large enough for you to really see it.
use perle size 8 if you have favorite. Or, if you prefer to
use stranded floss, three stands is my recommendation for stem stitch so
you'll get nice and plump "S" shapes.
Stem stitch is ALWAYS stitched from left to right, and the thread should be below the needle.
Now, having said that...and you do need to keep that "chant" in your head as you stitch..."left to right, thread below the needle".
But, if you stitch towards you or away from you...then your thread will "appear" to be either right or left...however, IF you get confused...turn your work so that it is positioned where you will be stitching left to right...and the thread is below the needle. Now, rotate your hoop as you need to stitch away or towards you are comfortable with...NOTE which direction the thread is will change from BELOW because you rotated your hoop. BUT, it really is still "below" in terms of creating the shape. Just note this and keep going. (If this is confusing...just don't ever rotate your hoop! Hugs!)
Okay, let's begin stitching. Thread your needle and knot the end (or start somewhere outside your stitching area with an anchor stitch, and rework that end under your thread later on).
I'm stitching on my trellis gate design...
Needle up at the beginning of your drawn line...far left point.
Needle down to the right of where you started...I like to have about 1/16th of
an inch of space between my Needle Up and Needle Down positions to start. Pull
the thread to the back for this first little half-stitch.

Needle up at the same spot as the end of the first little stitch...note the photo below, and you'll see that your needle will be in the middle between the prior Needle Up and this Needle Down...and the thread is below the needle.
Pull the thread, and Needle Down about 1/16th from the end of the stitches now showing.
Needle Up in the same hole as the end of the last stitch ended with. Always keep the thread below the needle.
Keep repeating the stitch. Needle down about 1/16th of an inch from the last stitch, and keeping the thread below the needle, Needle up in the same hole as the last stitch ended in.
As you stitch, you'll start to see a lovely row of perfectly (almost anyway) uniform little stitches with a very pretty little sideways "S" curve to them.
Here's my Trellis Gate all finished. Each line is done in stem stitch. It took a couple of days to get done, but was not difficult...just a bit tedious. So, if you are having trouble ...just keep at it...and before long, you might just be loving this stitch too!
Another note: If you have trouble making uniform sized stitches...take a piece of scrap fabric, fold it once to make it double...use your sewing machine to stitch a straight line. Now, use those same holes to practice your stem stitch in...just sew over the machine thread.

1 comment:
Kathy, thank you so very much for all the detailed tutorials that you do. I've just spent a very pleasant hour going through them. I know they'll come in very handy in the future when I get a little more experience with the crazy quilting under my belt.
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