Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Midnight Fantasy Garden - Starting Soon!

You know that I'm hooked on crazy quilt round robins!...They are not only addictive cause they are so much fun to stitch...but also because you get the chance to see other artists (and yes, I think of us as fiber artists)...beautiful stitching too! And, this particular round robin...titled Midnight Fantasy Garden is sure to be an inspiration! Here is my basic block...ready to send off to four of my stitching friends over at Crazy Quilting International (CQI) for their fun too! I'll post photos when it returns home. And, of course, I'll post photos of the blocks I receive to work on...and what I stitch as well! We all need inspiration!
Now, a confession...I'm not sure WHAT a midnight fantasy garden would really be...so went with a dark romantic kind of setting. Really....to be completely honest with myself...my present Fantasy Garden would have trees of fried apple pies, rivers of cold sweet milk, and flowers of luscious chocolate truffles! However, I could not figure out how to stitch a basic block for that particular garden...so went with this instead. ROFL!!

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