Saturday, August 3, 2013

CQJP Blocks - May/June

Today, I finished up two more blocks on my shower curtain project. These, and about a dozen more circles will become a new shower curtain for my bath. Each circle is stitched/beaded based on one of the seams in my Embellishing Crazy Quilts Workbook.

These circles are six inches each. Others are also larger or smaller to create the entire project. Not sure if I'll be done at year's I have a stack of circles still to this year's Crazy Quilt Journal Project might have to encompass next year's project too!

These two circles contain seams #10, #12, #18, #31 and #47. Changes might have been made to the original seam design to fit such a small circle's space limitations.
These will be my May and June entries for the CQJP2013 Challenge.


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