Sunday, March 15, 2009

Encrusted Status

I've been working on Sharon B's Encrusted class offered at and having a really good time. I have not had unlimited time to stitch on it lately...sadly...but, am trying to not lag too far behind in the lessons.

Since I love to do things that I can use, I decided on a makeup bag instead of quilt block. Not sure this was a good idea, since each side is only about 9 x 11. I want to use beaded trim along the top (right below the zipper area) currently plan on adding a lot of beads to the seams and motifs.

At present, I have some some seam which I will add beads. And have "placed" some purchased motifs to see how they look. I want to do some Silk Ribbon Flowers on the tatted piece...and perhaps a ribbon bow across the piece...not sure.

I played around with the motifs since my initial idea. Here is the whole bag, the green "stripe" is actually the bottom of the bag (it is laying sideways). Then, the next photo is the front panel with seam stitches...and last photo has the motifs as I think they'll be...but not yet stitched down.

I'll keep you posted on the progress as the seams are each completed and SRE done.

Monday, March 9, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #26

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This stitch takes Stitch #25, and adds to it. I could not get that little stitch out of my head for a couple of days, and decided to try adding some lazy daisy stitches to the ends of the limbs. While the three center stitches reach up...the lazy daisy stitches at the connecting points of the zigzag stitch point downwards.

Again, I left off the beads, but if I stitch this in a block...I'll just have to add some 4mm crystals to the base of the limbs!

TDiTM Stitch #25

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Here's a simple little fan type stitch...I was thinking of a low grass type plant. Very wispy...with foliage close to the ground...and the little limbs just reaching to the sky.

I didn't add beads to this one, but of course they would just add another element. I also thought that some floral beads could e placed between the plants to add another layer of work.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Marci's Block Work

I just finished stitching on Marci's block as my part of the Round Robin group on Crazy Quilters International. It was a really pretty block to work on, purple, tan, green, cream...very well constructed...and I truly enjoyed stitching on it.

The green drew me to it first, and I had a piece of velvet rickrack that matched the colors stitched that down across one corner seam...and included some straight stitches, crystals, bullion roses, and a tiny hummingbird in flight.

Then, include one of the TDiTM favorite...lot's of French knots. Added some "rocks" at the base of the flower garden.

Lastly, I decided on a mixed group for my motif. I had a little basket was shank...but I cut the back off so it would lay flat. Then I got out the drill and put about 5 holes in the basket so I could end my SRE leafs right on top of the basket or a more realistic look. Added some embroidery "wheat" and padded leaves. Thought about SRE for the flowers...but I had recently gotten some really neat little flowers, and decided to use those...with some crystals, rocialles, and seed beads for a little more bling.

Friday, March 6, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #23

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This stitch is a little shorter than some in the past, and I really find I like it a lot. The beaded version used bead caps with pearl centers. I think it would be a great stitch to weave a ribbon under the zigzag...and that's what I'm going to do for my first seam in Sharron B's Encrusted Class block!

Might do it twice, so I can use the beaded and un-beaded versions, I like it so much!

Hope you enjoy it too!

TDiTM Stitch #24

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

For this stitch, I did not do any beads. However, after finishing it...I think a bead added at the intersection of the straight stitches...above the leaves would be really neat!

You might note that I'm not doing so much explaining on what threads and such...cause I'm lazy (translate that to busy), and have been using Perle Cotton sz 8 for most of these stitches lately, when that changes...I'll let you know.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #22

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months Here's an unusual stitch for you...and one that has great potential. How about with black seed beads for eyes, or a string of seed beads and bugles for the tail? This little dragon fly is stitched using the jumbo template zigzag size...finally found a use for that! The zigzag only has the right slant stitch the opposite side is not required. Of course you could alter and have the dragon flys slanted towards the left is you used that "back side" of the zig zag stitch for your base. No beads on this stitch...but they could be incorporated in the eyes and both...I just didn't think of that until I was well down the road past this stitch. Duh! This version is stitched in Perle 8, olive green.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Birdhouse Blocks

One of the Yahoo groups I belong to is CQ for Newbies; and we're doing a swap of 8.5" blocks with Birdhouse as the theme. Each block had to have a bird or birdhouse in it. So, here's some eyecandy to share!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #21

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months We're still working in my flower power phase; actually, I think the last flower will be about 30 or 32 numbered stitch. I am at stitch 50 for design, and stitch 31 for stitching with thread. So, that means stitches 22-31 are done, I'm just not sharing yet. Really, I don't want to scare folks off with too many at once...and I need a buffer to post when things happen. Like the pneumonia I've been dealing with these past 2 weeks. Thank goodness I didn't have to "think" and design something! This little stitch was just happily waiting it's turn. The threads are Perle 8 this time and the beads are gold metallic seed beads.

TDiTM Stitch #20

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This weather lately has been just nuts! One week it's in the high 60's and low 70's. the next week it's 30's and 40's...and now the weather man says might even see some snow on Sunday! What!

I surely hope not...I am soooooo ready for spring! So, here's a little red tulip type flower. The top lazy daisy is done in Perle cotton size 5 and all the rest is done in Perle cotton size 8.

The beads are 4mm Swarovski crystals cause you just can't beat them for bling factor...but I think they would look better turned vertical with a little seed bead on top edge!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #19

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

While stitching the last design, I wondered how it would look doubled. I also found I liked the stitch without the French knots at the ends of the prongs. So, here is a wide stitch sure to fill in any large space beautifully!

TDiTM Stitch #18

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

When I finished these little flowers, they reminded me of those huge feather fans the Nubian slaves used to stir the air around Cleopatra. Okay, now you know how my mind works…scary huh?

I liked the beaded version best for the larger flowers, but like the French knots for the little ground flowers! So when I use it again, I’ll mix it up. 

Used perle 8 cotton for the entire stitch…and tiny seed beads. You’ve got the sequence down by now I’m sure…zigzag, stem, petals, large flower, small flower…bet ya can just look at the photos and stitch now! But, don’t worry…I’ll still post the charts!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #17

The daffodils are beginning to bloom! I'm so excited!

Even though my sinus troubles are not over, I'm sleeping almost through the night feel like a new woman! Must think I have endless energy, since I signed up for Carol Samples Heart class at Pink Bunny...and Sharon B's encrusted class starts in one week!! I must think I'm super woman!!

Here's the next little flower to keep pushing Spring forward!

Done all in perle 8 cotton...and a few seed beads. It would be good in any color, since it is just an imaginary type!

Friday, February 13, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #16

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This is a very cute little stitch, and I decided to use heart buttons in place of the four little French knots for the beaded variety.

I really like the purple color too. All stitching was done in perle 8 cotton. This little stitch really worked up fast. It would be very nice with four little crystal beads in place of the French knots, can't you just see that center sparkle!

The stitching sequence is zigzag base, stem, leaves, French knots, and lazy daisy.

TDiTM Stitch #15

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

The idea for this little stitch is a stack of snowballs. Not real ones, thank goodness! I love snow, but not when I'm sick and can't get outside to enjoy the beauty.

I'm not happy with the execution of this little stitch, as the little French knots would not behave and cluster together as I wished...even the seed beads didn't want to play nice! Hmmmm...perhaps it was all the cough medicine I was taking?

In any case, I hope the chart is enough for you to see the intend of the stitch. And, I hope you have better luck in getting your stitch to behave correctly!

I did not add the little straight stitches to the beaded version because I didn't think that they added to the design very much.

TDiTM Stitch #14

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This past week has been unusually nice weather for us here in east Alabama. It has been in the high 60's and low 70's; just like spring. But as I look out my window this morning and see frost on the mailbox, I know it is ending. Wish I could have enjoyed it more, but have been battling this sinus/coughing crud for almost two weeks now..hopefully it will be gone in a couple of days as I am starting to feel better.

The good side of being sick, is that I've been stitching! Here is a cute little Black Eyed Susan to warm your day!

Stitched totally in perle cotton (sz 8). The black French knot has four wraps to make it rather fat to sit on top. I did the zigzag base in white so it would not show up well against the background fabric, as I wanted the flowers to stand out. For the beaded version, I replaced the French knot with a large bead.

Stitching sequence is zigzag base, stem, leaves, lazy daisy, and then the French knot.

Friday, February 6, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #13

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months This is a little combination floral seam of one tall flower and one tiny little ground cover flower. It is quick and easy…especially if you use flower cap beads instead of the French knots for the tiny ground cover flowers. Stitched in perle cotton (sz 5); light green for stems and center French knot, lilac daisy stitches and French knots. The beaded version has flower beads, tiger eyes in lime green, and seed beads. The sequence of stitching is: 1. Stitch the zigzag 2. Stitch the Straight stitches for stem. 3. Stitch the lazy daisies for the large flower. 4. Stitch the French knots at the top of the large flower, and for the tiny flower.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pink Flower Bed

I've been working on some round robin blocks lately. And, put TDiTM Stitch #12 on one of them. A little pink flower bed...