I can't even believe that I didn't get time to do a single post in November. Bad blogger, bad blogger! Shame on me...my head is hanging low.
Boy, life has just been a zoo lately! No major events, no weddings, or funerals (thankfully) or such! Just the same ole crazy life moments that just seem to eat at my time! And December is certainly not starting out any better!!
I have not gotten a single stitch done on my TDITM even though several dozen more are charted and in the computer...just not stitched, and therefore, not photographed! Obviously, I'm not going to make my timeline!! Who's crazy idea was this!! I'll have to console myself with the thought that I can and will do 12 dozen....even if it's not in 12 months!
And I can share the second mermaid with you...it was finished in November. Yeah, I know, should have blogged it then!! But, you'll just have to be happy with it now....hugs to all who follow this blog...and hope you have a great end of year, and a super great start of a new one soon!!