Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Block for CQJP 2016

This year, my challenge to myself it so "simplify". My goal is to get blocks finished that could be easily washed as a traditional quilt might be. I hope to get these assembled and given to my Mom this put across the foot of her bed. She does wash her quilts, so this one can be no different. Any silk ribbon work has to be tacked securely in place. Beading is another issue, as a washing machine can "beat up" glass beads badly...and plastic ones are not my favorite. So, NOT beading is the best solution...which is SOOOOOooooooo difficult for me to do!
We shall see how these go!
If you want to see the start of the basic piecing...check out my earlier blog post about the construction of these blocks.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Registration for ICQC-103 (Embroidery Motifs) is OPEN for Registration

This class is open to those individuals that FINISHED the ICQC-101 or the BCQC Course last year. This is the LAST offering of the ICQC-103 Course.

 REGISTRATION will remain open until midnight (CST) on Saturday, January 30th
ICQC-103 Embellishing with Threads
This class covers Surface Embroidery Motifs
to include beaded and silk ribbon monograms.
Additional seam treatments are also part of the course.
The class is FREE, you will not be charged anything for the instructions.

  If you are interested in taking this course, please email me at and provide me this information:
Your first name
Your last name
You country of residence
Your state of residence IF you live in the USA
The email address you wish me to send class instructional handouts to.
After you register, I will send you a Welcome Email and Google/Blogger will send you (at my request) an Invitation to join the Class Blog where the class will be held. Watch for BOTH of these emails, check your spam folder. If you do not receive by Friday afternoon , email me to let me know.
Supplies needed for this course include various colors of embroidery floss and/or perle cotton thread. A pattern will be provided for the creation of a series of pieced blocks; or you can use plain fabric and work the items as technique samples only. 
Hopefully you have completed the ICQC-101 class before this one...but it is no longer a "requirement". You do however need to have finished the BASIC Course.
Hugs to all,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Round Robin Block Completed for this month...

Still have to write in my little booklet for the owner (Pat Freeman), then it is on it's way to the next lady in our Robin. I asked Pat if there was anything special she might like, and a ribbon lady was here she is.

Here is the total block to date, only Cathy Glover and I have had our hands on it so far...but Carmie Anderson and Marcy Wyatt are going to add their beautiful stitching to the block as well before it mails back to Pat Freeman. Here are some seams for you to view as well...

And, here is the total block to date...

Hope everyone is enjoying some Stitching Time today! Hugs!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Basic CQ Course - Free - (January BCQC)

EDITED TO ADD (1/16/16): This registration is not now closed. the next registration for BCQC will be 16-18 March.


OPEN Registration for Basic Crazy Quilt Course (BCQC)

January 2016

 REGISTRATION will remain open until midnight on January 15th (CST)
The class is self-paced, and expected to take 4-8 weeks, depending on the time you have available to complete the 12 assigned Tasks.
This is the first class for 2016 registration. If you miss this registration window...the next Basic Course will be available in March. 
These 12-Tasks include:
1 - How to Use the Class Blog
2 - Selecting Supplies
3- Design Principles of CQ
4 - Sewing the Block
5 - Surface Beading Techniques
6 - Template Seams
7 - Shape Seams
8 - 11 Various Silk Ribbon Flowers
12 - Finishing (lace, charms, etc.)
The class is FREE, you will not be charged anything for the instructions.
Link to the Basic Supply List 
You WILL be required to get your own supplies to complete the about 8 x 10 size block.
Basic CQ supplies include silk ribbon, pearl cotton threads, tiny beads, etc. as the photo above indicates. None of these are in large quantity for a single block.
You will be required to use a quilting hoop (Q-snap is fine).
You WILL be required to access the private class blog (upon an invitation sent to you) and post photos of your work as you progress through the class.

  If you are interested in taking this course, please email me at and provide me this information:
Your first name
Your last name
You country of residence
Your state of residence IF you live in the USA
The email address you wish me to send class instructional handouts to.
After you register, I will send you a Welcome Email and Google/Blogger will send you (at my request) an Invitation to join the Class Blog where the class will be held. Watch for BOTH of these emails, check your spam folder. If you do not receive by Thursday morning, email me to let me know.
This is an ON-LINE internet class. 
You will need to follow some simple instructions to register and gain access to the private class blog. Your name and email will need to be entered; but NO social security or credit card information is required. Just basic information to "recognize" you as a class participant.
You will need to be able to take a photo of your work, and upload it to the class blog. You will get instructions on "blogging" so don't worry if you don't currently do that now; you will learn.
But, you DO NEED to have an operating camera and be able to take photos.
You do need a basic understanding of how to save these photos and then retrieve those picture files
NOTE: You will be given class handouts/instruction in the form of emails and pdf documents.
 The pdf files can be opened with Adobe Reader (free software on the site)

 You need to be able to open these handouts/instructions and save them.
You can also print as you desire. In total, the course contains over 200 pages of paper/printer will be required if you want to retain a hard copy of this information.
Hugs, and I hope to see you in the class! 
This class is REQUIRED before you can sign up to any of the other courses offered this year.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Strutt your Stuff for Summer!

The cold winds of Winter are blowing...BUT, we at Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine are thinking of Summertime!

We're looking for submissions for the Summer issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.  Anything with a Summer theme like butterflies, birds, fruit, sunflowers.....because that upcoming issue is being created, and we'd love to see your versions of crazy quilt motifs for summer themes! So, share your work by sending us photos. A single motif or an entire block would be fine!

What is a Summertime Theme? Well...think birds, birdhouses, butterflies, dragonflies, fruit (grapes/watermelon/cherries), cottages - (Ah...warm beaches and bathing suits!) anything that reminds you of the season of SUMMER!
If it feels like Summer, we want to see it!  Send your submissions to Pam's email address!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Cathy's Block

It has been a few months since I signed up to participate in a round robin, but I just could not pass up the traditional "Batik Me" one at Crazy Quilters International FaceBook group this past fall. Here is my work on Cathy Glover's first round to be received.
 Being the first to work on a Round Robin means you are also "setting the tone" for that block. I loved the pinks (of course) and purples that Cathy chose and the patches were large enough for some nice motifs in the center. So, I went with that...and added some lace just so there would be a bit there in case the other ladies wanted to include some small pieces in their rounds.

 This ribbon lady is done in thread embroidery for the top, and the skirt and accents are done in silk ribbon. She is one of the patterns in my next book: Crazy Quilting Volume II - Working with Ribbon that is in the "writing stage" now.

 Here is my hedge row of roses. I just could not stop myself! It IS busy, but looks great on the block and balances nicely with the other seams so far.

This darker rosebud seam anchors the lace pieces and adds some depth to the colors of pink throughout the block.

This little purple plum tree really is so cute! Since this tree (with different leaves) was on the cover of my first book (Embellishing Crazy Quilts workbook) has become a sort of "signature" for I include it in a lot of works. I do try to change up the types of leaves however.

Are you stitching on something today? I hope's a great way to begin the new year!


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Fine Project for the New Year!

As this year comes to a close...we are thinking of the New Year about to begin. I'd like to take a moment to remind you of a Calendar Contest that was announced this past November. If you have not thought of a "personal challenge" for yourself next year (or are looking for a good one that deals with stitching)...why not consider this: Create a crazy quilt block for publication!
The shape needs to be horizontal and measure 8 inches tall by 11 inches wide to get a good horizontal photo that will "fit" the calendar format. ONLY the photos are needed for this challenge so you get to keep your block for framing and display! PLUS you get a chance to win prizes as this is a contest!
Read all the instructions that Pam Kellogg has already shared about this challenge...and begin thinking of a design for your own "My Secret Garden" block! 
~ I double dog dare you!! Ha~
Hope to see your entry cross over the judges computer screens...hint, hint!


Boy, I feel like I just got off of a roller-coaster! This year was just a whirlwind of activity for the Christmas holiday...and I enjoyed every minute of it! Today, I'm feeling "extra old" and tired will have to get my wind back!
I was fortunate enough to spend the week of Christmas at my daughter's home...and the grand-daughter and I  so enjoyed ourselves! Plus, my daughter got engaged; which is so exciting! 
I'm knee deep in finishing up my round robin block for CQI and still working on my next book. So, will have photos of the block for you soon.
Hope you also enjoyed a glorious Christmas (let's not talk about the parts we did not enjoy)...and only remember the good things!
Sending hugs out to everyone~

Friday, December 18, 2015

Updates and Reminders

Well, not many blog posts this month! I HAVE been working on things...just nothing that I can post a public photo of...without ruining the surprise!
Wanted to jump on real quick and remind everyone that the CQJP Registration closes on the 20th of IF you are still on the fence...hop on board soon! You can go to to read the rules and guidelines for joining in.
Also, I'm checking OUT of the computer TOTALLY from about the 22nd through the internet at all. Going to enjoy my Christmas with family...and hope you can do the same.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

CQJP and Hexagons!

Last year, a lot of hexagon quilt photos began popping up all over Pinterest...many were of crazy quilt blocks. One of my most favorite is a set of blocks by Rhonda Dort. Here is a link to my Pinterest page of these blocks and more.  
Perhaps YOU will be inspired...I know that I was. So, for next year...more hexagons! I have the blocks all ready to stitch on. Thought I'd share some photos with you today.
 The first important fact about these blocks is that they are "whole cloth" blocks. Sometimes referred to as faux crazy quilt blocks...because they have NO seams. The illusion of seams will be created by the addition of the trims...which will have combination seams along the sides.

The second piece of important information is the size. Each side of the hexagon measures 5 7/8 inches and across from point to point is 11 3/4 inches. This larger area is needed to showcase the corners of some handkerchiefs AND allow me to use some larger pieces of dyed lace.

 This block looks void of hankie...but the "mother" is on a corner of one. This also has a beautiful pink lace heart from a friend in Romania (Thanks Annamarie!) and from a pal in the United Kingdom (Thanks Pippa!)

Most all of the trims have been purchased at Vintage Vogue, on different swap groups, or gifted to me in various swaps. While I don't remember exactly which came from where...I'm really glad to have an opportunity to use them all...finally! You know I don't do trims very often.

The blue machine embroidery on this block is from the front of a blouse. I got it at a yard sale because I liked this front panel...and planned to cut it up. The collars are also used in these blocks.

The heart in this block was dyed by Cathy Kizerian and the blue butterfly (as well as most other butterflies) were machine lace done by Phyllis Latham.

The base of all these blocks is a heavy weight linen fabric, so no other layers are present. The linen was chosen because the "blank areas" can be stitched directly to. My plan is to use these as areas for embroidery motifs. 

While there are some beads present in the blouse I've added to these current plan is NOT to add more. We'll see if that holds true! The reason is that the final home for this quilt will be a display daily...and the item should be washed therefore. If I use any beads, it will be minimal (which will be really hard for me...hence my on personal "challenge" for CQJP2016).

I do plan on adding some ribbon to these. Ribbon will need to be very secure so it will be couched or appliqued into place. The trims, hankies, lace, etc. will all need to be sewn securely in place. The trims that have white edges were machine stitched down already, but the others will be appliqued in place by hand.

This bottom silk ribbon grouping is a special motif I got from Vintage Vogue in a de-stashing group...thanks Janet!

A great many pieces of lace are from my own dye stash, but others are from a beautiful envelope of dyed lace from Nicki Lee Seavey of Raviolee Dreams given as a "Secret Pal" gift a couple of years ago. I have not had the heart (or a large enough project) to use am really enjoying placing them in this project!

The handkerchiefs are mostly from another de-stash group and purchased from Thearica of Crazyquiltsupplies. I have only used a few of these so could keep going with more blocks if needed.

Some of the handkerchief have enough "white space" that some embroidery can be added in these spots as well.
Not all of the hankerchiefs have lace edging, this rose bouquet one did not. So, a piece of organza trim lace was tucned under and stitched in place. Now, it is one of the most delicate looking hankys in the quilt. I wish you could see the embroidery on this specific is teensy weensy little cross-stitches! Amazing!

When placing handkerchiefs lace and trims...I decided NOT to be concerned over color. This is the reason there is "orange" in this quilt! The embroidery will also be in all colors. I know that the same linen background and the repeat of the different hankies all over the quilt will tie all the color together and balance the quilt when completed.
 It will be interesting to match these block together once they are finished. The backing will be cotton, reinforced with some medium weight fusible interfacing. The edges will be stitched closed and then the blocks will be attach to each other.
So, if you are nervous about taking on a large quilt OR perhaps just don't enjoy the "piecing" part of creating blocks...think about a whole cloth project such as this one.
Hugs to all!


Friday, November 20, 2015

Kindle Lauch TODAY

 Today, no more pre-orders on Kindle!
My latest book finally launched!
The wait is over for all you Kindle Fire or Ipad users!
I even ordered it myself...wanted to see how it "printed" on the device and here is how a page looks on my Kindle Fire HD, Loving it!
Plus, if you have Kindle Unlimited can read it for free!
Or with a Prime can borrow it for free!
The print books HAVE been printed, got a notice just yesterday...and they are "preparing them" for shipment. I know some of you can't wait...(I know I can't)...but the
E-book is a good way to have the book with you where-every you go.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hope to see some entries...from class participants...HINT, HINT!

Put your thinking caps on...and join in the fun!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Doing the Happy Dance!!!

This week the final print proof of my new book was approved...and I ordered the print copies for my Etsy shop. So, those of you that have taken advantage of the Pre-Order 30% savings...will get your books mailed out as soon as these books arrive at my door (at least by 1 December). 
BUT...If you go to today...and search for Kathy will see my new book because Crazy Quilting Volume I: Beyond the Basics is available EARLY on Amazon! I'm so happy about that, just in time for spread the news. Of course it is full price, not discounted as my Etsy Site is right now.
For international folks...or anyone that prefers to read electronic is also available as an Amazon Kindle book! The official release for this electronic version is tomorrow...but you can get it today, and it will be delivered tomorrow. If you go to and search for "Kathy Shaw" or the book is what you will see! (The site has 1 Dec as the release date..but that will change as I just approved the release date of tomorrow)

PLUS, If you have Kindle can read it for free!

Doing the happy dance!

Friday, November 13, 2015

CQJP 2016 has launched!

You can read all about next years challenge at the CQJP2016 Blog.
Also, check out all of the prior years...and the FINISHED projects at the main CQJP Blog.

ICQC-104 November is now OPEN for Registration

Welcome to ICQC-104, Mixed Motifs with Fabric

Registration is NOW OPEN...and will close at midnight CST on Sunday, 15 November 

You must have completed ICQC-101 Prior to registering
It is advised that you have also completed ICQC-103 because this Course builds on that one; but I'm not going to make that a mandatory class since the year and this course offering is winding down

This course is expected to last 8-12 weeks

To Register: email me your Name, State/Country, Email address...just as for previous
The ICQC-104 includes these modules/tasks:

104A-Embellishing OVER Silkie Images
Task 1: Stitching Hair
Task 2: Stitching Flowers

104B-Framing Silkie Images
Task 1: Create a CQ Block with Framed Silkie

Task 1: Create a Broderie Perse Applique
Task 2: Create a Hand Applique Heart (or other shape)
Task 3: Design an Applique based on an Embroidery Pattern

104D-Raised Applique
Task 1: Create a Raised Applique (Bunny, Cat, or Teddy Bear)

104E-Working with Various Slips
Task 1: Create an Embroidery Slip
Task 2: Create a Silkie Slip
Task 3: Create a Beaded Slip

  There is no special supply list needed for this class. Standard sewing and embroidery supplies (as needed in prior classes) will be used. The need for some medium or heavy weight interfacing scraps and some thin felt/flannel scraps could require some shopping. 
The photos above are some of the techniques taught. The fox, bunny, and heart patterns are also in this course, along with other patterns as well.