A Short Video of some Motifs/Techniques Learned in the Free Courses!
Here is another interesting pattern from the book I posted about yesterday...it is a cushion with different styles of embroidery work. Of course, the stitching drew my attention...and it reminded me of crazy quilting.
Here is the pattern piece included in the book.
While looking around, I also saw this image of a peacock feather.
It was a little surprising, because I have seen it several times before...at various sites. It is clear to me now, that the design was not their original idea at all...but was from this book...which I do not recall ever having been mentioned.
Sometimes, when I don't want to stitch...I'll go over to the Archives site and just look around for interesting books. Today, I found one that I'm really enjoying called Needle and Brush, published by the Butterick Publishing Co, 1889. (same as Butterick patterns today?, I think so).
One of the many things that caught my attention was the different kinds of sachets and pin cushions discussed. The little sachets would be great I think for tucking into dresser drawers, lockers, or looping over a few coat hangers in a closet. The filling could be simple enough...a little polyfill and some bath salts...scented of course! Especially during the upcoming winter months...when everything seems to just get stale!
And the pincushions could be made into sachets as well. Thinking that I might have to make a few of these!
Here is even a closeup of the little bird on the pincushion above.
Looks like satin stitch, fly stitch, and back stitch mostly...
Still stitching!
Working on the redwork blocks in Benji's Pockets. Here is the first one! This is an alternate block, and I like it better than stitching a red frog...that just seems wrong some how. Hugs!
Here is the quilt pattern...just as a reminder. I found some lovely red/white fabrics to use in place of these brown and cream borders however.
Yesterday, there was a box waiting in the mail for me. It was just full of luscious lace, sent from a dear friend...thanks Bea! These are most all very delicate bits of lace...the kind you might find in shear feminine lingerie and fine blouses.
Some of the little motifs will most likely be used in crazy quilt projects.
The trim lace can be used in CQ as well; but I'm thinking that quite a few pieces will be perfect for use in baby gowns and dresses for little Ely.
This gray piece will make another wonderful piece of fabric for my "Paris" crazy quilt round robin block.
...and from the looks of it..he had a good weekend while I was gone!
I think he played pretty hard!
First off...I have to say right up front...that I just had the most marvelous weekend! The ladies of Meridian, Mississippi are very kind and hospitable...to a feeble minded thing like me!
Hence...my artwork above. The weekend started off...by my gracious hostess "Jacky" arriving at my home, with her equally wonderful husband "Dave" (in tow)...and we loaded all of my class materials and stuff...and headed off for a grand weekend.
We stopped for lunch...and that is where the concern began...as I had left my purse on the top of the freezer in my kitchen. I LEFT MY PURSE! WHAT WOMAN DOES THAT! So, I am seriously looking for HELP...as I need a keeper. The job does not pay well, and the hours are horrible...there is bound to be loads of extra things to be done that are not in the original job description...and most of the time...the employer (me) probably will be so distracted by other things...that you will not even be noticed.
But, if you are interested...please apply! Starting date is now!!!
So, after Jackie and Dave both calmed me down...assuring me that I really had no need for money, my insurance card, my drivers license, my Excedrin, my toothbrush and toothpaste...and had more than enough to keep me busy so the Redwork blocks would also not even be missed...we kept on going down the interstate.
And,...they were both right. Dave has stock in Colgate I think...because he was just super quick producing that toothbrush and paste...and he went to CVS the following morning...to get me some Zyrtec for my allergies that decided to get cranked up right away...he's a keeper...and Jackie knows it too! Way to go girlfriend!!
Oh, and Jackie's house...you should just see it! Marvelous! Constructed in the Frank Lloyd Wright style...just a piece of art! Loads of symmetry...and balance...warm and inviting...and the craftsmanship of all that wood...just a marvel! I felt like a princess on top of that gorgeous heirloom bed...with my own bath...and being served my meals with linen napkins! I didn't ask for meals in bed...but I bet Jackie would have done it had I wanted it! So gracious! A real Southern Lady...and wonderful hostess. Of course, I would have expected no less from a gal born in the great state of Mississippi...especially in Meridian!
And, I did manage to wrangle some cool pieces from her fabric collection of swatches before departing...look how great these two look with my Paris fabrics!
And...she sent me home with a beautiful piece of lace too...TO DIE FOR!
Not to be outdone...Mr Dave let me run off with several spools of delicious antique thread. Some of the cream can be used for quilt basting...but the rest will go on my display shelf in the sewing room. He also donated some spools to the ladies in the class.
But...the best part of the entire trip...was getting to teach fifteen ladies a little about silk ribbon flowers. We had a good long talk (mostly I talked...and they listened)...and I talked a lot! They worked until they looked like they were ready to drop...but each was smiling. They went home with more work to be done, but I'm confident that they will have a wonderful time creating ribbon masterpieces!
After a lovely night at the Meridan Opera House...listening to stupendious jazz music, we crashed and slept Saturday...and made our way home on Sunday.
We stopped off at a bookstore for coffee in Tuscaloosa...and lunch at Olive Garden in Oxford...before unloading all my suitcases and such back at the house. Then, Jackie got back underway...so she could get home before dark. I missed talking to her...as soon as she left the driveway. But, I'm pretty sure...her right ear was already bleeding from all the chatter of mine it had endured...and the quiet drive back home "hopefully" repaired any damage...geez, hoping that the damage is not permanent.
"Ssssshhh....don't tell her...but I left my purchase from the bookstore in the backseat of her car..."
"Did I mention....I have a job opening for a KEEPER?".....
See y'all tomorrow morning...as I'm pooped!
We have not had a drawing for a prize in a little while...so, to celebrate my return home today (sometime later on)...here are two patterns for you!
One drawing...for both patterns. I'll pick a random comment first thing Monday morning, and try to contact you...if I can get an email to you...you have to just let me know where to mail them.
Just leave a comment...that's all...easy peasy!
First pattern is a lovely Christmas Stocking...monograms and holly..and the stocking is large...
...plenty of apples and oranges....or lumps of coal will fit in here!
Next, a cute little pattern for a penny rug...
...done in wools traditionally...these also look sweet in felts...siting on a little table. Or even under the pet bowls! Seriously...I would so put one there if I had one. Hey, why don't I keep this and do it for Buddy!
No, too late...I'm gonna keep my word and let y'all have all the fun.
Edited at 12:09 on Monday, 15 October: FINALLY... WE HAVE A WINNER! After randomly drawing three other numbers...and sending emails...(more than once) for two of the ladies...without response after a week. And the first number drawn...didn't have an email on her profile...so I could not even send a note of winning.
The final winner is Pam! And, I'm glad to see her win something...as she is a close friend that always comments on the drawings...and I never have drawn her number. So, today as her lucky day!!
Aren't these pretty! I just love them...pink and grays.
They will be the pieces I use in a CQ Block for my next Round Robin at Crazy Quilters Internation Yahoo Group...Titled "Paris".
I had others picked out...but, they just were not right. Then, when we were in Branson...I saw this collection...and it was just perfect! Exactly the look I was going for!
I'll have to get the block done just as soon as I get back...to mail on time.
I'm heading out today for a 3-day excersion...to Mississippi. But, before leaving, I did manage to get my first block stitched on Benji's Pockets.
I got some red/white fabric while we were in Branson...for the sashing and borders; rather than the brown and cream shown in the pattern.
Working on block #2...and taking it with me, not sure that I'll actually get any of it stitched while gone however.
I've scheduled a couple of posts...with a surprise on Sunday!
I decided to cook the remainder of my spinach today...so I'd have something hot. Then, on the same plate...I added 2 stalks of celery for crunch, 1 pear and about a dozen grapes for sweetness, and a few cherry tomatoes for color. I had some more of the tomato/onion/cilantro/raspberry chutney on the side with three sliced strawberries. In total...all of this added up to only 353 calories according to the USDA Super Food Tracker.
For breakfast, it was two cups of coffee with creamer and mid morning...a snack was one cup of non-fat buttermilk and 3 almonds...because I had forgotten to eat!
Then this lunch...
For dinner...I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And I need the protein...
I cut back on the amounts of peanut butter...and jelly...and am using a low-calorie high-fiber bread. To this I'll add a small glass of 2% milk....cause you know I have to have my milk!
For snacks later will be an orange and a snack bar this evening if I get hungry.
My total food plan for today calculates to just under the 1200 calories. That's within the per day limit I have set for myself, with my doctor's blessings.
I'm trying to be good this week too...because I know that I'll blow my calories while on the road this weekend...and that's okay...as I won't go nuts with chips and sweets...but, the calories are still bound to be higher. I plan on enjoying my visit with Jackie and the ladies of the Magnolia Guild!
So looking forward to the class!
Got the back and lining put on my stocking for Lyn's exchange, and it is in the mail! Woot! Woot! Another task crossed off my list!
Now, I wonder who's stocking I shall receive in return???
Well, my carefree life has caught up with me! Ha!...yeah, right!
Well...sort of. My cholesterol numbers are too high...as is my weight...so, I have to get them down. I do not want to do the "pill a day" routine...so, will try to do my own thing and loose some of this weight.
First to go...my whole milk. So sad. But, I'm drinking 2%...and after a few days, have no issue with it anymore. Switching to 1% will be harder I suspect...but will do that in a few days/weeks...when I get my nerve up. First, we'll see if I can make other changes and not have to go there. You know how I love my milk!
Found this little container of chopped tomatoes, onions, and a slight bit of cilantro in Walmart yesterday. I added a half of teaspoon of sugar, a pkg (2 cups) of fresh raspberries, and a teaspoon of vinager...to create a Raspberry Chutney...which is wonderful. (Of course, you can just chop up a large tomato, some onion, and cilantro too...but this was cheaper...faster...and could be used before I left town). Then, on top of the spinach leaves..add a few baby tomatoes, some grapes, 1/2 cup of the chutney...and four almonds for protein...and my lunch is born! And, there are still enough supplies...to do the same lunch for two more days...so saving money too!
Change of subject...sorta...Lentils. Have you ever cooked lentils? My daughter and I went to Lowes...then to the CPAP place for the new mask...and then to Walmart looking for lentils. Lentils are supposed to be very good to eat and lower your LDL numbers. That good...but I have never cooked them before...so we'll see how that goes next week...after I get back from Mississippi. I'm pretty sure I can't put bacon or fat-back in them for seasoning...and still get the benefits (LOL)...so thinking maybe some garlic? onion? to flavor...if you cook these...what do you use?
My grocery cart included...some fresh baby spinach, some almonds, fresh fruits, a very dense low calorie and high fiber bread, and some 90 calorie snack bars. Doctor says eat at least five times a day...and that is harder than you think...and keep everything balanced. But, so, far...in the last week...I've managed to loose four pounds...without really trying. Just changing a few things in my daily intake...like my milk. And cutting down on the butter on my toast...still doing a little jelly.
So, I have good hopes to make this happen..but, you know me..I have to research...make a plan...and a way to track my progress. So, a little thinking is in order...then, it's a full scale attack!!
I also found a good way to count the calories...and it is helping me to figure out my menu for the day...but, I'd like a quicker way. If you have a good one let me know please. My site right now is a Government one...from the USDA. It is called Super Tracker...and I make my profile, and go and create my menu...and it tells me the calories I'll be consuming...and what food groups they belong to. So, I can adjust...to get less of this...and more of that...to meet the recommended daily needs to keep everything balanced. I'm thinking that this might help to keep be from being hungry...or craving something.
BTW, the amounts and ingredients in my salad total 553 calories. When I include the milk, bread, snacks, and breakfast, dinner plans...I'm at a whopping 1187 calories...under my goal of 1200. So, repeating this menu for today...and tomorrow. Then, it's "on the road again"...more about menus next week perhaps.
Here is the finished top...all of the embroidery blocks look so cute!
I'm excited to start on the quilting part. At first, I thought about having it machine done...but have decided to give hand quilting it a go instead. It's been a while since I did any hand quilting, so I need to make sure that my skills don't get too rusty!
The fabric for the sashing and border does not show up very well in the photo, but it is a cheery little floral print...very current in style, and I'm sure that my niece will enjoy it.
... and I think this one will be the best yet!
I had already tried three different styles of this kind of mask. Finally, got a size small enough that it didn't poke me in the eyes...but, the "cross bar" on my forehead just drove me nuts. I figured that there just wasn't any help for that...since all three of these masks had some version of that part in them.
Then, today...I went to Lowe's to get a new light fixture for my office...and had my daughter stop over at the Health and Wellness Supply company that delivers my CPAP machine and supplies.
Thankfully...the lady did have another option.
Looking at them together...old and new...it certainly is smaller. But, will I be able to get comfortable with those "things" in my nose...as opposed to just over my nose? I doubted if I would...honestly; and it felt weird to put on. But, when I got home...it was a good time to have a nap since my head had been hurting for two days with sinus crap...every time it rains! So, I grabbed my mask and headed for bed. Took about five minutes to get to sleep...then I woke up...3 hours later! Woo Hoo! I have not had a decent snooze since I started this adventure...so am thinking this might be a great new mask for me! Tonight will tell for sure!
Edited to Add: I slept great last night! Had to tweek my straps a little before settling in...they did not wake one time until 0730 this morning! Yeah! Keeping my fingers crossed that this lasts! I feel great today!
Well, we have arrived at the last little block in this quilt! Isn't it cute? It could be the very cutest of the entire quilt...but it is hard to pick just one design. Brenda Riddle did a wonderful job of creating a very sweet little quilt. The three little bullion roses at the top are added, and had the quilt not been going to a wee little baby...I would have used beads or buttons. But, I was afraid of Ely getting those into her mouth (even though I stitch my beads and buttons very securely) so...the little extra touches of embroidery were done instead.
Block eight was a bit of a challenge because of the color of threads I choose to work in. It really wanted to be a red velvet coat...but that just would not have gone with the other blocks at all! Instead it is a green coat with a pink under dress. White rayon thread was used to satin stitch the ruffle of the dress that is peeking out from under the coat.