Saturday, December 31, 2016

Book Bub Anyone?

My daughter and I are both prolific readers...she has more spare time to read, but I'm a faster reader! Given the time, we can easily read a dozen books in a week. 
A couple of years back I got her a KindleFire and have the same myself.  Both are registered to me so we use only my account...which means I ask her to look only for "free" books unless she asks first. I don't like "surprises" popping up on my account...ha!

Anyhow, I found this website months and months ago...and subscribed to be notified about FREE E-books (and books at a great discount) DAILY. I get an email notice every is what one recent one looked like:

When the email is a list of books. Each has a short synopsis of the book with the current price at
When you click the "Amazon" get the specific book to order.
 Always check the "Kindle Price"...the free book should show $0.00 before you click. I have never had an instance when this is not correct...but it is always good to double check before buying.

Here is a link to the website for so you can check it out yourself...if you like to read! The categories cover a lot of things...we "signed up" for notification of a lot of variety of romance novels, military fiction, and mystery novels.


Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Blogger Platform

I'm finding the new Blogger platform to be very cumbersome and I'm having an overwhelming feeling of un-easiness about keeping up with my participants posts on the courses. So, far..being the end of the is not so bad because the activity on the courses has died down.
The "old way" when I opened my Blogger shows me the blogs that I order of which one was "used" last. That was easy enough for me to open each one, starting with the top one, and check the new posts.
But, here is what the "New Improved" Platform gives me:
 Here is the closeup of the most important part:

Basically, it now lists "all blogs" in alphabetical order. Then, it "showcases" only the last 3 blogs that have had posts. I've been watching this over the last few weeks...and there are never more then three blogs listed in the "Recent Blogs" listing. 

This means that if more than 3 blogs are active...the 4th, 5th, etc. will just be down in the Alphabetically listed area. But which one? I have to open each and every one of the class blogs to see that someone has actually posted something. It will take way too much of my time each day to do this considering that as of this morning...there are 51 blogs (44 of which are open class blogs). These are not the blogs that I go and read, which belong to other folks even...THESE are the blogs that I personally author and monitor for student/participants work.

This is the reason for my having to change how the courses will be run this next year. And, if it still becomes an issue in time for me...even after reducing the number and frequency of courses provided...AND "retiring" some of them all together. Well, then I may just have to stop providing the "oversight" to all classes and just provide them as free downloads on the Yahoo Group Site. Already, I have moved the ICQC-101, the ICQC-102 and the SP-301 instructions to that site. (BTW, you can find the site by going to the right side bar...and clicking on the "Yahoo Group" button.)

I would like to go back to the "OLD" Blogger platform...but have not found a way to make that happen. If any of you have any ideas, please let me know. This is very frustrating for me!

Some folks need to adhere to the "if it ain't broke...don't fix it" rule! Geez!


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2017 Registration Dates for Shawkl Design Courses

Today, I have updated the course calendar for 2017 Courses.  So far, I'm only showing the First Quarter courses, but more will follow as the year progresses.
Courses that are retiring:
After consideration, and more consideration, there will be some major changes this year. First, some courses will no longer be offered. The ICQC-102 and ICQC-107 courses are mostly included already in the books I've no need to keep repeating the same information. The ICQC-101 course will be re-issued as Tutorials here on the blog this year; so no need to sign up for a course to obtain that information.
The Special Courses (SP-301 and SP-302)...will be moved to the Shawkl Yahoo Group files. So, if you have signed up for membership there...look for these files to be uploaded within the first quarter of next year. If you have not signed up, you can do so at the side bar link. This site is free and just provides me a place to provide free downloadable patterns, instructions, etc.
There will also be Two New Courses this year:
BCQC 1 & 2: The first new course will be a "second opportunity" to take a BASICS course. So, the BCQC-1 will represent the class that has been offered for the past couple of changes. Then, the BCQC-2 will represent a new version...with new seam designs and a different block design. It will still include some of the same instruction as the BCQC, just different seams and layout information. This second class will also include a silkie image for printing.  IF you have already taken the BCQC in the past...but you still are a "wee bit uneasy" with crazy quilting on your own...the BCQC-2 will give you more practice and teach you about printing on fabric.
ICQC-105: The second new course will be all about Silk Ribbon Embroidery. It will be loosely based on the information included in the Crazy Quilting Volume II: Ribbon Embellishments book. But, will also include some new designs to work on. This intermediate course will require the completion of one of the BCQC courses, just as we have done in the past years...but will not require you to have completed the ICQC-103 or ICQC-104 before taking it.

Courses that are coming back:

The Traditional Quilting Course (TQC-201) will be offered again. It is the piecing of different types of quilt blocks, using different techniques. I'm still thinking on the TQC-202 course offering, so it will not come back in the first quarter most likely...but perhaps later on.

The ICQC-103 Course will continue as the module for Embroidery Motifs and other basic surface embroidery work. It is required to be completed before you can register for the ICQC-104 module.

The ICQC-104 Course will also continue as the more advanced Embroidery Motifs module and covers several different techniques for more complex embroidery slips, raised embroidery, and dimensional work.

So, in conclusion...Please check out the FREE On-line Quilt Classes tab above for more information about the courses and links to the Registration dates. As always, I'll open each registration ON THOSE DATES here at and will not be taking any late or early registrations so mark the dates on your calendar if you see a course that you don't want to miss out on taking. Also, as always...each of these courses is FREE to take. No cost for the instruction. You are responsible for obtaining your own supplies of course, as kits are not provided and I don't sell kits on my Etsy page (except for the special order of a printed fabric image for the BCQC-2 new class...which will be a nominal fee and postage) OR you can use your own printed image as well.

Hugs to all...and enjoy the celebration of the New Year soon approaching!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Classes for next year...

Hello and Happy Holidays to everyone! I've recently had a couple of queries about the classes for next year, so thought I would do a quick post.
At present, I'm "chilling out" and reading....not much sewing...but some baking. Just enjoying some down time here at the end of a hectic year.
But, I do plan on having classes next year...just have not gotten around to doing a calendar yet. Will think about that after Christmas. The first classes will be mid to late you will have time to sign up and get your supplies before they begin.
So, no worries...keep watching the blog for the updated Calendar 2017 classes. Hope all have a Merry Christmas...and praying for great health and happines in this upcoming new year!
Blogger has changed their platform, and it is making it a bit tedious to keep up with the number of open class blogs at the moment. So, one change for sure will be that the blogs still open at the end of December...and that opened prior to October...will be closed down. I've got to reduce the number of open blogs and still need to make room for the new ones coming, if you are working along on your tasks...please try to finish up soon if you are in a Jan-Sep 2016 course. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Personal Request - For a Friend - Please Help

Good morning everyone! I'm posting something a bit unusual today...a request for help for a friend. Most of you probably know her, or know of her from her blog or facebook posts. She is also the driving force behind the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine.
Pam Kellogg has been an avid cross-stitcher and designer for years...and found crazy quilting a few years back. She has spend countless hours creating and posting inspirational photos of her work and teaching and sharing. She is a very giving and generous woman whom I am happy to consider as a friend. I can't remember a single time when I needed her help that she was not eager to jump in and assist. She expects nothing in return for her help and I view her as a very special lady.
Her husband was recently diagoised with cancer. As a result, he is missing some work days and will miss many more as he goes through the various rounds of therapy. These are unpaid days, on top of the extra deductible costs for medical treatments and prescriptions needed to battle the disease.
Pam has a lot on her plate at present, and could use your kind thoughts and prayers. She could also use some "girl power" in the form of donations.
The family has opened a Go Fund Me page and if you are moved to help out a kind and wonderful woman through a hard time...please consider donating. Even $10 will be helpful...because several folks doing that will add up fast to a real help with medicine and routine costs of just getting through the days. The site accepts major credit cards for the donations. If you don't like to use your credit cards you can PayPal a donation directly to Pam's email which can be obtained through her blog "Kitty and Me Designs".
Thanks for your consideration in lending a helping hand to a wonderful woman and fellow stitcher!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Jumbo Pin Cushions and Made to Order Pin Cushions

Whew, what a couple of weeks! Where did the time go!
I have finally managed to get some time to work on the pincushions that I wanted to do before Thanksgiving. Three are ready to ship now, and the other three are "orders placed". You can check them all out (with closeup photos) on the Etsy Shop site.
The silk ribbon work was done to showcase the techniques in my Crazy Quilting Volume II: Ribbon Embellishments Book. The photo above is of the floral cluster in my light purple pin cushion and the photo at the top of the post if of the golden floral cluster. I'm also including the more whimsical pincushion below for the Florida Keys lovers out there. :)
Also, I've decided to take orders for Monogram Pincushions because I get a lot of questions about the monograms in the book. There are 3 varieties and all are available in your choice of color (medium blue, light pink, etc.) and any LETTER is fine for the monogram itself as I'll be creating these as the orders are placed. 
The first style is the Petite which is a rectangle shape and the letter is a Classic style of monogram.
The second choice is the Full Floral which is a larger letter and is square in shape. This is a Shabby Chic style.
The third choice is the Moderate Floral which is the same size/type as the fuller variety but with less leaves. This is a more Victorian style.
NOTE: If you place your Monogram Pin Cushion orders before the 11th, you should receive them before Christmas.

Monday, November 21, 2016

HUGE Cabochon SALE!

Good morning everyone! Hope you are having a great beginning to your week!
In celebration of our Thanksgiving holiday this week, I'm having a HUGE sale at my Etsy shop on beaded cabochons. All of them are marked down 50% off their original price. (Many are not below their wholesale button price, before I even beaded them!). There are dozens to choose from.
These sale prices will remain this week...then I'll adjust the prices back to the original Retail Cost this weekend.
So, if you have been wanting some glorious beaded cabochons...hop over to the shop and check these out! 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Peacock Blue w/Black Velvet Ribbon Pincushions

These pincushions are similiar to the last post version, the fabric is "flipped" with the blue solid on the top and the printed at the tip. The roses are black rather than light blue. Instead of ribbon loops, the top is covered with a black lace motif and a velvet bow sits on top, with 3 crystals covering the sewing threads.
Sorry the photos are so bad...the black is hard to get when it is so late in the day and the sun is going down. These are more "elegant" with the lace and simple velvet bow; while the light blue version is more romantic in style.
As before, these are filled with emery to keep your pins and needles nice and sharp. There are four of these available at the Etsy Shop.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Emery Pin Cushions

Still working on pin cushions...can't seem to get them out of my mind. This one is about three inches lont and shaped like an ice-cream cone (can you tell I'm hungry while typing this?). It uses peacock blue as the main color and has a vine of beautiful light blue roses with crystal accents winding around the tip. The top is covered in ribbon loops.

So far, four have been made...and loaded into my Etsy Shop...hoping more will come later. Still alwo working on purses...but Thanksgiving cooking is beginning to call me as will have to see how much time I have to spend on these this next week.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

CQJP 2017

If you may be interesting in taking over the Crazy Quilt Journal Project effort...please send me a note. I'm thinking that next year will be just too hectic (as I'm so behind in so many things) for me to really do it right...and so considering pushing some things off of my plate...and it is one of the things that may go.
Would rather see it continue under someone elses efforts than see it end.
Thanks for considering.

Monday, November 14, 2016

A Gentle Helping Hand is Needed...

Good day all! Hope you are having a wonderful (and productive) day!
If you get a moment, please check out Pam Kellogg's latest blog post... and lend a hand if you are able to help out...and would like to do so.

I remember when so many of you reached out to me when I needed your help after my sewing machine just shut down (memory board went out)...and it meant so very much to me. Pam is facing much harder challenges than that...and I hope you will be in a place to donate even a small amount. Small amounts add up fast when we all just reach out a little bit to help each other! Thank you!

Here at home, the days are certainly getting cooler! This apartment is beginning to have a good chill during the I know that soon I'll be putting the quilts back up again. You may not know, but we get a cold north-wind howling under the front door and the north-facing windows. To help with this, I hang cheap purchased quilts on these windows as curtains...have added grommets to them. Their thickness stops most of the wind and I get to enjoy the quilts at the same time. Also, makes me feel like I'm snuggled into a warm den for the winter...but I do miss the sunshine until Spring comes again.

I'm still working on CQ Purses...have four stitched; just need to get the clasps attached...perhaps tomorrow. We shall see!

Sending out HUGS to everyone!


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Pin Cushion Gift Sets

Pincushions have long been a great gift for sewing buddies. My cyber pal Jenny included one this week on her blog Elefantz that had a pocket...and I loved that idea. 
It really got me to thinking. 
So, I pull out all of the little "technique" samples from my Crazy Quilting Volume II: Ribbon Embellishments book...and created pincushions with little embellished pockets using the samples that were the right size for a small project. So, if you have this will recognize some of these "pockets" as starting with the examples photographed for that book.
 All of these sets have the pincusion AND a wee little purse for holding you thimble. It is on a chain with a ring for attaching to your sewing tote/bag/basket or attach it directly to you scissor's handle. 

The pincushions are filled with crushed walnut shells so are a great "weight" and sit nicely where you place them. 
The lack of poly-fill also means that your pins won't rust as the walnut shells will not hold moisture as the polyester stuffing would. 
It also means that they weigh more, so these will be shipped in a small Priority flat rate box. Two sets fit into a box nicely, so if you order this second set the postage will be reimbursed for that second set.

These are available now on Shawkl Designs...but they may go fast. The purses have already all gone...but I've cut out for some more and will post these just as soon as I can get them finished. BTW, the thimble/scissor are not included in the set...just examples in some photos.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Victorian Roses Purse

I've gotten the last purse completed, of the group I had started. This is the largest of the group and has a very different kind of clasp. The others have sold, but this one was listed today at Shawkl Designs Etsy Shop if you are interested in purchasing.
It is very Victorian styled in black velvet (with some emerald green silk in the front panel). The laces are all beaded over the I've included several porcelain roses along with the silk ribbon roses for adornment. The back is solid black velvet.
The clasp is very ornate so "Victorian" is really the only style that fits such a wonderfully opulant clasp. Usually, I like clasps that are "sew-in" types but this actually is made of several parts that fit together and screw in place. I'm not sure it was less work, just a different process but took about the same amount of time to "install" and was a bit frustrating to work with. It also costs about  2-3 times what a standard clasp did, so also not entirely sure it is work that expense. But, it sure is beautiful!
I like the finished look of the clasp, and the chain handle...even on the inside.
This purse is the largest finished yet and measures about 11 inches long by 7 inches wide at the fartherest points. I have some more small purses in my head...but have to get them drawn out and pieced before I can begin embellishing. So, I may have a few smaller clutches before Thangsgiving to share...will just have to see how much time I have to sew between now and then. Ha! 


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Green Ribbon Lady Bag

I'm having a great weekend! Aidan came for a couple of days, so that was a real joy for me! It slowed me down a little...but was so worth it! Grandchildren are just the best!
I found time when she went home this morning to finish up the large coin purse I've been working on. This is oversized so that it can fit a small sewing project OR have room for keys, tri-fold wallet, and phone. This is a double there are two seperate insides. A good way to seperate the embroidery threads and silk ribbon from your thimble, scissors, and packs of needles.

I've also reduced the price on the tiny black velvet peacock bag...which would be so beautiful hanging from a chatalaine or side of a tote bag. It is tiny, but can hold a package of needles and your thimble.

These are both in the Etsy Shop at Shawkl Designs. Hope you will go and check them out! Hugs,


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Need a Christmas Present for a friend?

....or a sweet little "prettie" for yourself? Just finished to hinged purses and put them in my Etsy Shop.


The first is a more traditional style CQ purse with silk ribbon roses clustered in the center and beaded seams in the outer fabric patches. The materials inside/out are silks and the hinge is beaded as well. More information in size, color, etc. is at the Etsy listing (link above).

The second is the same length as the first but tall and skinny done in black velvet. The beading is all hand sewn by a variety of glass and Swarvoski crystals. The design is a peacock feather and the henge is also beaded in Swarvoski crystals. The inside is peacock blue silk. More information in size, color, etc. is at the Etsy listing (link above).
I'm shipping to the USA and Canada as these don't weigh much. Hope to have some more done this month...but I'm moving pretty slow at present with my not accomplishing even half as much as I'm wanting to get, we shall just see what I can get finished. :)
